Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Your Depressurization Chamber

Share As deep sea divers descend into the depths of the ocean the pressure around them builds until they are operating in an extremely high pressure environment.

In order to return to the surface safely, these divers often need to spend time in a depressurization chamber.
While you may not journey to the bottom of the sea, it’s quite possible that you too regularly spend time in a high pressure environment in the form of your workplace.

Just as divers need to depressurize after spending time in a high pressure environment, it’s equally important for you to depressurize after work in order to avoid bringing work related stress into your home.
A good way to think of this process is to imagine that you pass through a depressurization chamber on your way home from work. As you pass through your chamber, you eliminate the pressure of work so that you can return home in the right frame of mind to enjoy your evening.

Here are five activities that you can use as a depressurization chamber at the end of your work day.

Walk and Talk: One of the best depressurization techniques if you have a partner is something called ‘walk and talk’. As soon as you get home after a busy day, change clothes to get out of ‘work’ mode and then go for a walk around the block with your partner. Take it in turns to discuss your day and use the opportunity to talk about any difficulties or stresses that you are each facing.Once you’ve fully vented any built up stress and got your blood pumping with a bit of exercise, you’ll find it much easier to let go of work related activities so that you can return home to enjoy your night together.

Drive and Sing: Another great technique if you drive to work is to turn your car into a depressurization chamber by listening to your favorite CD and singing out loud. The combination of your favorite music and the freedom of singing in your own space is a great way to eliminate the built up stress of the day. Of course you shouldn’t get too carried away while you’re behind the wheel.

Listen and Laugh: If you can find a good drive time radio station, an excellent way to depressurize after a hard day at work is to listen to a humorous radio program and enjoy a good laugh. Laughter has been shown to lower blood pressure, reduce stress hormones, increase muscle flexion, and boost immune function.

Exercise and Shower: For some people, the gym acts as a great depressurization chamber. A twenty minute cardio or circuit workout releases feel good endorphins that clear away the stress of the day and leave you feeling alert and on an exercise high. Just make sure that you don’t make the mistake of trying to push yourself too hard. At the end of your workout you should feel energized not exhausted.

Park and Pet: If you are a pet person, another effective depressurization technique at the end of the day is to take your dog for a walk in the park. Once again you get the benefits of exercise and fresh air and you also get to enjoy time with your four legged friend. Even after the most stressful day you’ll end up with a smile on your face once you’re done.

Hopefully these ideas will get you thinking.

Remember the key to making this technique work is to find an activity that you can use as a depressurization chamber that exists between your work place and your home.When you get into the habit of passing through your depressurization chamber each day you’ll find that you arrive home in a much better frame of mind. This is turn will help you to make the most of your time at home with the people you love.

Until next time,
Dare to Dream!