Friday, July 23, 2010

Motivational Sayings

"Difficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage. The human spirit is to grow strong by conflict."

~William E. Channing~

"It is surmounting difficulties that makes heroes."
~Louis Kossuth~

~Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they're supposed to help you discover who you are.~
~Bernice Johnson Reagon~

"Men take only their needs into consideration, never their abilities."
~Napoleon Bonaparte~

"We would accomplish many more things if we did not think of them as impossible."
~C. Malesherbes~

"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all."
~Dale Carnegie~

"If not us, who? If not now, when?"
~Kennedy, John F.~

"Never be satisfied with what you achieve, because it all pales in comparison with what you are capable of doing in the future."
~Rabbi Nochem Kaplan~

"All our dreams can come true - if we have the courage to pursue them."
~Walt Disney~

"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die tomorrow."
~James Dean~

"If you're going to be thinking, you may as well think big."
~Donald Trump~

"Where there's a will there's a way."
~English Proverb~

"If you really want something, you can figure out how to make it happen."

"A determined person will do more with a pen and paper, than a lazy person will accomplish with a personal computer."
~Catherine Pulsifer~

"So long as there is breath in me, that long I will persist. For now I know one of the greatest principles on success; if I persist long enough I will win."
~Og Mandino~

"We will either find a way, or make one!"

"You have a very powerful mind that can make anything happen as long as you keep yourself centered."
~Dr. Wayne W. Dyer~

"Desire is the starting point of all achievement, not a hope, not a wish, but a keen pulsating desire which transcends everything."
~Napoleon Hill~

"Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself."
~Ralph Waldo Emerson~

"Happiness is the only good. The time to be happy is now. The place to be happy is here. The way to be happy is to make others so."
~Robert G. Ingersoll~

"Did you ever see an unhappy horse? Did you ever see bird that had the blues? One reason why birds and horses are not unhappy is because they are not trying to impress other birds and horses."
~Dale Carnegie~

"You have succeeded in life when all you really want is only what you really need."
~Vernon Howard~

"Real happiness comes from inside. Nobody can give it to you."
~Sharon Stone~

"Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish."
~John Quincy Adams~

"That some achieve great success, is proof to all that others can achieve it as well."
~Abraham Lincoln~

"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work."
~Thomas Edison~

"The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."
~Winston Churchill~

"When written in Chinese, the word 'crisis' is composed of two characters—one represents danger, and the other represents opportunity."
~John F. Kennedy~

"He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else."
~Benjamin Franklin~

"Ninety-nine percent of failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses."
~George W. Carver~

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
~Mark Twain~

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The No.1Factor of Success

SUCCESS...My favourite word in motivation terms..What's the number one factor of success? What one thing can you do start doing today that will greatly improve your odds of living a more successful, happier, fulfilled life? This one small, yet powerful, key will literally change every aspect of your life for the better. All it takes from you is to make one important decision.

So what am I talking about here? What is this number one factor of success that only takes a decision yet can guarantee an improvement in your life not only financially, but physically, mentally, relationship wise, and everything else?

Here's the answer in 3 words: Your Peer Group.

Your peer group is the group of people you spend most of your time with. If you want a good indicator of how your life will turn out, just examine your closest peers.There's a saying, "Birds of a feather flock together." This means that people tend to associate with other people who are like them in characteristics and interests. Do you think the things you do, the habits you have, and what you're interested in have an effect on certain aspects of your life? Of course. Here's an experiment you can do to prove that your peer group, those you spend the most time with, do in fact influence almost every aspect of your life.

The Proof

Take a look at your body. Now mentally compare it to your peers. If you're a little on the heavy side, chances are, so are your closest friends. If you're fit and working out everyday, chances are, so are your closest friends. Take a look at your income. Now compare it with your closest peers. Chances are that your income is probably no more than plus or minus ten percent from the average income of your closest peers.

Let's look at your habits. If you smoke, chances are, so do your closest friends. If you complain a lot, chances are, they do as well. Look at how you dress, the activities you like to do, even your opinions on certain things, chances are, they're similar to your closest peers.

Make the Decision

If you are unsatisfied with where you are in life right now, you must either get yourself to live at a higher standard and get your friends to do the same, or you must get new friends. I know that seems a bit harsh, but it's an important decision you will have to make if you truly want to experience greater success in all areas of your life.

The reason why this is the number one factor of success is that when you surround yourself with people who have higher demand and expectations for themselves, you will naturally be pulled up to their level in regards to what you will demand of yourself. If the people you associate with all workout consistently and watch their diets, just to feel like you deserve to be around them, you will automatically start to do the same things.

The Hard Truth

I know people should accept you for who you are otherwise they're not your real friends but the fact is that if you want to live your life at a higher standard, to require more from yourself than you've been demanding, you must step up your game.

If the friends you have now are all living at a lower standard than you want to experience, then in order to change your life, you must associate yourself with people who are already experiencing the life you want.

Hopefully, when your peers see that change in you, they will become inspired and start to live their lives at a higher level as well. So why can't you just improve your life but stick with the same friends? When you start to improve your life, when you start to expect more from yourself, some of your peers may feel like you're leaving them behind and may start to associate with you less or even try to bring you back down. It's not because they don't care about you, it's just that they don't want to lose you, and this will effect you.

It's a decision that, for many, isn't at all easy, but if you really want to make a change in your life, and you're looking at your friends right now and saying to yourself, "I don't want to be like them", then you have to make that difficult decision. This doesn't mean you can't be friends with them, it just means you must spend less time with them and more time with people who live at a level you want to live at.

The number one factor of success, choosing the right peer group, admittedly isn't an easy one to implement but maybe that's why most people end up settling for a life of mediocrity instead of experiencing the life they've always felt they could obtain but never did.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Born To WIN or LOOSE??!!

Dear Friends.... "Am I here to win or lose? What kind of question is that?" This is what you are probably wondering after reading the title but what I am about to share with you will probably shock you and maybe even disturb you a bit.

Who goes into anything with the intent to lose? We all want to be winners right? Of course! Unless if you have some sort of side bet or want to make someone feel better, you definitely want to be successful at whatever it is you are trying to accomplish. Well, I am here to tell you that this is not always the case.

Let me ask you a question. Let's say you are in a race. Is there a difference between wanting to get first place and NOT wanting to get last place? Sure there is. One will lead you to a trophy if you succeed while the other will just make you feel good that did not end up last. Although this may seem silly, many people operate this way all the time.

Let me ask you another question. Which of these two scenarios will you work harder at: Increasing your market value to earn an extra RM10,000 or prevent someone from stealing or scamming you out of RM10,000? The fact is that most people will work harder to prevent from losing what they already have than to go for what they want.

Do you think you will have a greater chance of making more money, for example, if all you did was hold onto your savings and not invest it because of the fear of losing it opposed to taking some calculated risk to invest and multiply your net worth? Many people go into things, be it a business, some opportunity, an investment, or competition, with the focus on not losing.

Realize that there is a huge difference between focusing on winning and focusing on not losing. You see, whether or not you are focusing on losing or not losing, you are still focusing on the concept of losing. You know the saying: "You get what you focus on." You actually increase the odds of losing even when you focus on not losing. If this is the case, then doesn't it make sense to focus on winning?

Do you think someone like Tiger Woods goes into a golf tournament hoping to not get last place? Of course not! In fact, Tiger said if he didn't think he would win, he would not even play. The people who succeed in getting everything they want in life, approach everything with the attitude that says, "I will be the best and will not settle for anything less."

If you just realized that you have been going through life and attempting to achieve your goals from a place of fear, then you need to make a decision right now to believe in yourself. There really isn't an option here. When you focus on not being last, you will most likely get second to last. Why cheat yourself out of being first? By doing that, you will have decided you're not going to win even when the race hasn't started yet.

So, are you here to win or lose? Are you going to step up and take charge of your life once and for all or are you going to settle for the crumbs the winners in life leave behind? Everyone wants to win. No one wants to lose. But if you focus on not losing, you probably won't lose, but you will definitely not win either. Now that you know this, there is no turning back. Because if you turn back, U will end up as a LOSER!!!!!