The large block of marble stood in the center of the open-air workshop. The officials who had purchased the block were eager to get their project underway and began looking for an artist who could transform the stone block into a work of art.
A suitable artist was identified and work began on the project, but as time passed, the artist gradually lost interest and eventually walked away from his commission.
Another artist was found and work commenced once more, however, this second artist also lost interest and the entire project came to a grinding halt.
The block of marble then sat neglected in the yard of the workshop for over 25 years!…
Then one day, a young man in his twenties heard about the marble block and visited the yard. When he gazed upon the stone, the young man did not see a weathered old block of marble. Instead, he saw an opportunity waiting to be realized.
He negotiated with the owners of the marble block and in due course received permission to try his hand where others had failed.
For three long years the young man chipped away at the block of stone and tap by tap he transformed his dream into a reality.
In January 1504, the young man whose name was
Michelangelo, unveiled his
statue of David.
The secret of Michelangelo’s success was that he was able to combine two seemingly conflicting virtues.
The first of these virtues was
VISION. Whereas most people looked upon the marble block and saw a neglected slab of stone, Michelangelo saw a magnificent statue trapped within the rock just waiting to be released.
“I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free”
- Michelangelo
In addition to having the ability to visualize his ultimate desire, Michelangelo also developed the
He knew that long lasting success did not come quickly or easily, but rather, it was the result of patiently chipping away at his goal each and every day.
“Genius is Eternal Patience”
- Michelangelo
Today, some five hundred years later, many of us spend time to develop a grand vision for our life, but then we quickly become impatient to make our vision a reality. All too often we become frustrated with our lack of progress and eventually give up on our goal entirely.
It is a rare individual who can combine the ability to visualize their goal with the patience to take the small daily steps necessary to transform that vision into reality.
Today I’d like to encourage you to approach your own goals in the same way that Michelangelo approached the creation of the statue of David.
Even though your current reality may resemble the worn out block of marble, challenge yourself to look deeper to find the hidden opportunity that is waiting to be realized.
Once you have identified your objective, resist the urge to become impatient. Instead, develop a mindset of quiet anticipation and chip away at your goal a little each day.
By combining the power of Vision with the virtue of Patience, nothing will stop you from creating your own masterpiece.