Saturday, May 22, 2010

How to React to Failure

Dear readers, welcome again... How's life going on? Todays topic is regarding the failures. Famous failures leads to great empire... Often said that FAILURE is the key of success... lets digg deep into
the terms of FAILURE below...

How you choose to react to failure will ultimately determine the quality of life you will experience. If you decide to pursue any worthwhile goals such as your current New Year's resolutions, you will inevitably experience this thing called failure. Failure just means you did not get the results you were looking for. To some people, it is no big deal, but to most of us, the experience can be devastating. So if failure is an unavoidable part of life, what can you do to ensure your success despite the many setbacks you will be facing? You must learn how to react to failure correctly.

In order to know how to react to failure, you must become aware of the three natural reactions. When you read what I am about to show you, you will probably think that the best way to react to failure is obvious while wondering why anyone would react any differently. The reason is because many times, until we become aware of our actions, we may not even realize we are doing it.

The 3 Ways People React to Failure

1. Give Up

This is the most common reaction. Why? It is the easiest to do. What many people will do when they are met with challenges and obstacles that cause them to fail in reaching their goals is to start making excuses and blaming circumstances and other people for the failure.

Standing back up after you fall and continuing to press forward is difficult. Coming up with justifications to why you failed is easy, and that is why most people choose this reaction. They cannot stand the fact that they are 100% responsible for their failure and because of that, they will set more goals just to end up quitting over and over again.
2. Persist

This is the reaction we have all heard about. When the going gets tough, we must persist, we must keep going, and never give up. The problem with this reaction to failure is that you can put in a huge amount of energy and effort but if you are doing the wrong things, your results are not going to change.

Albert Einstein once said, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result." The fact is even if you go out there and you give it all you've got and get up each and every time you're knocked down, you can still fail to achieve your desired results if you're doing the wrong things. If you react to failure in this fashion, you will either end up giving up out of exhaustion and discouragement or you will spend the rest of your life falling and getting back up but never achieving your goals.

So what do you do instead?

3. Re-strategize

Successful people believe failure is nothing but a feedback mechanism. If you try something and it doesn't work, learn from it, and only then do you try again. You must be able to not only take action continuously, but also figure out what is working and what is not. Each time you fail, you will gain experience and the more experience you gain, the better you can strategize your next move and increase your chance of success.

So how long do you re-strategize and keep taking a different approach? Until you succeed. This is the surest way to achieve any goal you set for yourself. Persistence is great, but if you persist on the wrong things, you'll be persisting for the rest of your life.

If you want to speed up the process, then find someone who has already achieved the goal you want and ask them what they did, then, do the same thing. Using someone else's experience will save you the hassle of having to go through too many trials and errors. When you react to failure in this manner, your success will just be a matter of time. See you in our next blog...

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Importance of Motivation

Dear friends, it have been long time since i write something in this blog... Anyway i am back now :-) :-) Today we will discuss about Motivation.

What is the importance of motivation when it comes to your personal life as well as the workplace? Well, unless if you don't have goals go work on and tasks to complete, motivation is quite worthless. Of course, you and I both know that there are always things to do in life. The biggest challenge that many people have is being able to have enough motivation to do the things they know they should be doing. One fact of life is that most of the things that will give us what we want are the things that we want to do the least. That's probably why most people will never really experience the life that they have always wanted. Let's look at what motivation is and its importance in different situations.

Motivation is basically a feeling of movement. When you are motivated, you want to go from doing one thing to another thing. Most of the time, you are going from doing nothing to doing something. This is the main problem when it comes to achieving your goals. You know you need to take a certain action in order to produce a certain result but what you are currently doing is more pleasurable than taking that action. Let's look at different situations and how a lack of action can lead to negative consequences.

Importance of Motivation in the Workplace

When you don't have the motivation to do your work, you will either eventually get fired or you will not likely get promoted and will stay where you are for a long time. If you are the supervisor or the owner, a lack of motivation throughout your company can create a rather unproductive workplace. This will lead to loss of sales, profits, and market share. In this case, it's important to do what it takes to create an environment where people naturally want to do their work. The importance of employee motivation shouldn't be taken lightly here. The company's survival depends on it.

Importance of Motivation in Business

If hate working for someone else and want to start your own business, that is great. However, as most business owners will find, having your own business will depend way more from you. This can be great if you're highly motivated but if you're not, that can be a bad combination. Without anyone on your back telling you to do your work and threatening to fire you if you don't, it's easy to just put things off until later. The worse thing that can happen is that you go out of business and if you have invested a lot of money into the business, it can be a tough situation to go through. Business owners normally work 12 to 16 hour days so unless you really hate working for someone else or you really love the business, you may want to think twice about this option. It's not for everyone.

There's no question about the importance of motivation and how it plays a part in all areas of our lives. We all have dreams and goals that we want to see become a reality. If you had a never-ending stream of motivation, you can literally do anything. The problem is that most people will never put in the effort that is needed to live an extraordinary life. Why? Because it's easier to do nothing than to do something. Go do something! See you soon... muru